September 27, 2010

Camp Malibu

This is a unique post for me but I just had to share, those of us who were so lucky to have grown up attending Camp Malibu I know you will love this.  Malibu Club is one of Young Life's Camps located 100 miles north of Vancouver, British Columbia, that you can only get to via a 6 hour boat ride.  Over the summer thousands of High School students attend camp and during the year it can be rented out by non-profit organizations.  It is situated at the mouth of the world-renowned Princess Louisa Inlet.  Malibu is the most beautiful place I have ever been and holds a very special place in my heart.  Malibu was built in 1938 and actually was built and used as a luxury resort for the rich and famous and over the years many stars have visited from John Wayne, Bob Hope to John F. Kennedy.  My friend Bryson was just up there this past weekend and he captured Malibu perfectly that I had to share...Happy Day Dreaming!

Photos Courtesy of:  Bryson Condotta and Malibu Club


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